Mindfully Live Your Legacy

“What you do today will be part of your history tomorrow. What legacy are you creating?” – Marge Castillon Di Blasio

Whether you realize it or not, you are living your legacy. It is something that happens regardless of your intentions. Legacy is about every life you touch, breaking generational patterns, and creating the desired impact you’d like to have for yourself, those around you, and your communities. Your legacy is not just what you leave behind; it is enduring and should come from your truest self offering your gifts to the world. It’s about choosing to live in a way today that is meaningful for you and others that will carry on beyond your lifespan. How do you want to shape your impact looking back and looking forward?

When mindfully living one's legacy one can consider:

Understanding your deepest values and allowing them to guide your actions and choices. This doesn’t mean it will always be easy. It takes courage to know your values and take action rooted in them. Sometimes you will have to take a stance that others you care about may not align or agree with or you may have to make difficult decisions; however, if they are aligned with your values, you can hold faith that they were the right actions and decisions for you and your legacy. 

Do things that fulfill and nourish you. When you are doing the things that fill you up, you can give to yourself and others from a place of nourished fulfillment. When you are acting in alignment with your purpose and passions, it allows for more zest and enthusiasm in life. Discover what works for you individually.

Appreciate your individuality. Acknowledge that you are unique and your uniqueness makes you who you are and makes you special. No one else can have the impact or legacy that you do.

Be mindful of how you interact with others. No matter how you interact with others, you are making an impact. Be mindful of the impact you want to have on others and act in alignment with that.

It can be shaped and reshaped many times over. Time does advance, but it is never too late to shape or reshape your contribution to yourself and the world. If your legacy isn’t living out as you want, maybe it’s time to try something new and different.

When you reflect on your legacy:

  • What would it look like to lean into mindfully living and creating your legacy? 

  • What do you want to cultivate for yourself in life?

  • What enduring impression do you want to leave on those you connect with? 

  • How might you bring forth your greatest gifts and leave the legacy you desire?

Your legacy is shaped by your daily actions, choices, and the impact you leave on those around you. Be mindful of how they develop over time.

Rachelle Niemann

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