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The Collective WELLS

Spring Renewal Guide

This Guide has been designed to serve as a supportive companion, encouraging you to prioritize self-care and well-being during seasonal transitions. Using the elements of the WELLS, you will go on a journey through knowing Wonder, embracing Empowerment, embodying Love, mindfully living your Legacy, and fostering Synergy to ignite your Spring Renewal.

Activities and reflective questions within this guide revolve around themes of Pause & Discover, Focus & Thrive, and Embody & Flow.

What sets this guide apart is its deliberate emphasis on creating space for reflection and deep engagement with the exercises and prompts. This intentional approach allows for the emergence of a new reality—one that you have consciously crafted. Focus on your authentic self and be mindful of how you invest your time and energy. Now is the perfect moment to manifest the life you truly desire.

Choose you this spring season, and take the journey into your very own Spring Renewal. 

Fall Reflection Guide

We've journeyed through a vibrant summer season, filled with abundant energy and growth. As the sun has shone brightly and nature flourished, we embraced the light and aligned it within ourselves—a transformative experience we shared with you.

Now, as we transition into the serene beauty of autumn, it's time for a new chapter. Regardless of how your year has unfolded thus far, this moment is precious for reflection, recalibration, and charting a course that aligns with your inner compass.

Introducing the Collective WELLS Fall Reflection Guide, the latest creation from the co-founders of Collective WELLS.

The vibrant summer season of abundant energy and growth has started. As the sun shines bright and nature flourishes, this is an opportune moment to embrace and invite the light in and align it within yourself to enjoy your own Radiant Summer. Regardless of how your year has unfolded thus far, this is a precious time to reflect, recalibrate, and embark on a new trajectory if it resonates with your inner compass.

The Collective WELLS Radiant Summer Guide is crafted to nurture your mind, body, and spirit during this season of transformation. Embark on a journey through the elements of the WELLS framework—knowing Wonder, embracing Empowerment, embodying Love, mindfully living your Legacy, and fostering Synergy —to ignite your Radiant Summer.

The Radiant Summer guide encourages you to consciously prioritize your well-being during the summer season and embark on a transformative journey toward experiencing a radiant and fulfilling summer.

This guide provides a deliberate invitation to carve out intentional space and embrace a slower pace, allowing the exercises, reflections, and prompts to fill your being. By fully embodying these practices, you open the gateway to a new reality — intentionally curated by you.

Give yourself the gift of creating your desired summer season today!

We are almost a third of the way through this year already and near the beginning of a transition. A transition that brings light and dark into balance and invites you to do the same. It’s a time that often allows for more joy, vitality, and new energy. No matter how your year has started off, this is an opportunity to check in and continue on your path or make adjustments and pivot to a new trajectory if that feels right for you. 

The Collective WELLS Spring Renewal Guide is meant to support your mind, body, and spirit during this seasonal transition. Using the elements of the WELLS, you will go on a journey through knowing Wonder, embracing Empowerment, embodying Love, mindfully living your Legacy, and fostering Synergy to ignite your Spring Renewal.

One thing that makes this guide so valuable is the intentional space and invitation to take your time and really embody the exercises and prompts, which will allow a new reality to unfold; one that you’ve intentionally curated. 

Choose you this spring season, and take the journey into your very own Spring Renewal. 

Filling your WELL through the season (Part 1)

This time of year can be many things for us. It is a time of year when magic and joy can be more abundant, and it can be a time for connection with family and friends. For some, it may mean packing more into an already over-filled schedule. For others, it may be a time where we can feel alone, and for many of us, it is a time of increased stress and anxiety due to added responsibilities, expenses, complicated family dynamics, opportunities for indulgence, etc.

However you might be meeting this season, it remains important to prioritize and integrate self-care. Rather than meeting the new year depleted, let’s come together and support each other with staying present, offering grace, and maintaining your boundaries during this season.

The WELL Collective Filling your WELL through the season program consists of two workshops with added material and support for two weeks following each workshop setting us up for a nourished and joy-full season and abundant start to the new year. You can take part in one or both parts of this reinvigorating and powerful program. We want you to be supported in the best way that serves you.

Filling your WELL through the season (Part 2)

Sat, January 15, 2021
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Pacific/11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern

Join us for part two of Filling your WELL through the Season: Inspire and Act! You can join part two regardless of joining for part 1. Whatever the holiday season was for you, let's move forward with empowerment and live the legacy we desire.

It's a new year, and we have the opportunity to define what our new normal is going to be. Whether you started the year strong with new goals and inspiration or perhaps you've lost sight of your inspiration, either way, this program is designed to help you create inspiration and act in alignment with your values and dreams.

Part 2 of the WELL Collective Filling your WELL through this season program consists of a workshop with added material and support for two weeks following helping you be inspired and take action to create an abundant start to the new year.

Filling your WELL through the Holiday Season - Part 2 focuses on EMPOWERMENT and LEGACY, where we will look at inspiring and acting to actively support our best selves and what we desire.

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Journey into the WELL Way (Series 2)

Saturday, October 30, 2021, 12 PM – 1 PM Eastern

Join us for Part 2 of our journey exploring the WELL Way. Feel free to join us again if you have attended a past workshop, as we will be exploring the WELL in a slightly different way at each workshop!

Part two explores embodying LOVE and mindfully living our LEGACY to serve our WELLbeing for ourselves and our communities. This interactive session looks into embodying love in everything that we do and as a way of being and leaning into and creating and living our legacy. We will do this while connecting with like-minded and like-hearted others.

Journey into the WELL Way (Series 2)

Saturday, October 16, 2021, 12 PM – 1 PM Eastern

Come journey into the WELL way. In part one we explore knowing WONDER and embracing EMPOWERMENT to fill our WELLs for ourselves and our communities. These introductory sessions focus on igniting your curiosity and embodying empowerment while connecting with like-minded and like-hearted others.

Introduction to the WELL Way (Series 1)

Saturday, July 24, 2021, 12 PM – 1 PM Eastern

Join us for our introductory series exploring the WELL Way. Part two explores embodying LOVE and mindfully living our LEGACY to serve our WELLbeing for ourselves and our communities. This interactive introductory session looks into embodying love in everything that we do and as a way of being and leaning into and creating our legacy. We will do this while connecting with like-minded and like-hearted others.

We will discuss embodying LOVE, and how we might integrate loving action in our day-to-day lives to allow us to experience the presence and never-ending gift of love. We will also be looking mindfully living our legacy. Whether you realize it or not, every day, you are creating your legacy. Let’s discuss what it means to mindfully build our legacy.

Introduction to the WELL Way (Series 1)

Saturday, July 10, 2021, 12 PM – 1 PM Eastern

What does being and living WELL mean to you? Join us for our introductory series exploring the WELL Way. Part one explores knowing WONDER and embracing EMPOWERMENT to fill our WELLs for ourselves and our communities. These introductory sessions focus on igniting your curiosity and embodying empowerment while connecting with like-minded and like-hearted others.

We will look into WONDER and igniting your curiosity. To know wonder is to know yourself and a world beyond you. Wonder helps us embrace the magic and mystery of life opening us up to curiosity.

We will also be looking into embracing EMPOWERMENT, which allows for robust and confident action, especially in mindfully living one's life and legacy. Empowerment is multi-dimensional and allows us to create our own desired outcomes. Boldly owning our power fosters empowerment in others, our communities, and society by enabling action on what is important to us.