Embody Love

“I don't know if the secret of life is to find love, but I do think one of the secrets of life is to embody love.” — Nicki Minaj

Sometimes when we think of love, we think of it as something that comes to us spontaneously and without effort that we don’t have much control over. Yet, when we open to the idea that we can actively engage in the embodiment of love, especially for ourselves, we can cultivate more love, understand love more deeply, and allow love to flow more freely within ourselves and within our relationships with others. We can embody love in everything that we do and intentionally engage with it as a way of being. Giving loving attention to every action we take, whether it is eating a meal or communicating with a loved one, will cultivate more self-love and love for others.

When we are open to discovering what nourishes and fulfills us, we can act more intentionally and do more of what fulfills us, which enables more loving energy to flourish within and around us. We can give attention to embodying love within our daily actions. This can be as simple as being present and appreciative when taking a shower, eating a meal, or connecting with others, and it can be as complex as setting appropriate boundaries and being accountable to them. Some additional actions that can be taken to embody daily loving energy include being open and honest with yourself and your needs, knowing what truly nourishes and fulfills you, practicing forgiveness toward yourself and others, and practicing compassion, appreciation, and presence.

Embodying love is not always the effortless, good-feeling, romanticism we see in romantic comedies and fairytales. It is an active and intentional practice of finding your way back to the flow of love many times over. It is especially vital and requires intentional action and energy when we act in ways that do not align with our values or show love to ourselves as we all will occasionally. This is when the practice of embodying love is even more crucial, and when you’ve been practicing the embodiment of love in scenarios where our behavior is more in alignment it can be easier to get back to the flow of love. 

Knowing how to start with loving ourselves can be challenging. Perhaps we can look to how we love others and find inspiration in how others love us or show themselves love. You can ask yourself, “What do I need in this moment to feel loved?” or “Is this action loving to me?” when we are looking for clarity and inspiration. The best way to integrate the embodiment of love into our lives is to practice regularly and consistently. Hold space for kindness and compassion and investigate with curiosity to understand where you can practice embodying love more throughout your days. 

Integrating loving action in our day-to-day lives allows us to experience the presence and never-ending gift of love.

Rachelle Niemann

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