(Re)Connect with Wonder

“I was struck by the fact that I hadn't been awed in a while.  Did that mean awesome things had disappeared from my life?  No.  What it did mean was that I'd gotten too caught up in distractions and mind mucking to recognize anything as awe-inspiring. . . . I hadn't been paying attention to the beauty around me.” - Sue Patton Thoele

It can be easy to lose your connection with awe and wonder. For a lot of us, our days become monotonous and disconnected. Perhaps it’s time to reconnect with your sense of awe and wonder and seek the magic and mystery that life offers to you. Perhaps this means looking for that magic and mystery in new ways. How can you change your lens or perspective to seek wonder in a new way? Where can you look that you might not have expected it before? Can you find it in the unassuming moments? Can you seek it in everyday life? 

We can allow magic to come alive, by opening up and playing with our bounds of comfort. Miracles happen when we create space within ourselves and in our lives for them to occur. We can connect more deeply with awareness and feel more alive when we are actively seeking the wonder, magic, and mystery of life. The journey of embracing more wonder in life isn’t necessarily about gaining something; it is about opening up to possibility, connecting with your heart, and igniting curiosity in your mind.

There is new possibility, awareness, magic, and mystery everywhere, but we have to be willing to seek and find it in new ways. This opening can actually create a connection with wonder all on its own. Magic, mystery, and wonder are tied to the heart and followed through with the mind.

A few simple ways to engage with wonder include:

  • Embracing child-like wonder. Ask why a million times. Ask “how might I” a million different ways. Adopt a growth mindset knowing there is always deeper learning and awareness available.

  • Play with your bounds of discomfort/comfort. Go just beyond your bounds of comfort and explore how you feel and what else might be possible beyond these bounds and beyond your feelings.

  • Question everything. Your perspectives, your beliefs, your certainty not because you might be wrong, but to understand if those thoughts and beliefs are serving you in the best way.

  • Ask: How might my next day, connection, or experience be magical?

To know wonder is to know yourself and a world beyond you. Wonder helps us embrace the magic and mystery of life, igniting our curiosity. It helps put the perspective of ourselves in proportion to the larger world and helps us remember that we are part of something much larger than the potentially mundane day-to-day reality. It reminds us to remain in humility, and it allows us to be deeply connected with ourselves, each other, and the world that exists around us.

Life is full of beauty, intrigue, wonder, magic, and mystery if you are willing to seek it.

Rachelle Niemann

Cultivating inner and outer environments that support well-being


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