the Collective WELLS
What does being and living WELL mean to you?
The Collective WELLS focuses on supporting in filling our WELLS for ourselves and our communities through Wonder, Empowerment, Love, Legacy, and Synergy. This is the space to ignite your curiosity, embrace empowerment, live each day with love, share ideas about mindfully creating your legacy, and foster synergy.
"A Woman is the full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform."
— Diane Mariechild
About Us.
Shawntan Howell
Shawntan Howell, M.A., is an Empowerment Strategist, Visionary and the Founder of the Girls Are Powerful Organization and the Positivity into Power Movement.
"A Woman is the full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform."
-Diane Mariechild
Rachelle Niemann
Rachelle Niemann is a XChange facilitator, guide, self-discovery coach, and author of Breaking Free from the Hustle for Worthiness.
“I deeply understand how the support of a heart-centered and giving community can elevate us as individuals. When individuals are elevated, a ripple effect is created, and we all benefit. Creating heart-centered and supportive environments is my truest work.”